3D Precision Therapy
Successfully Treats Chronic

Natural Extract Formula

Khumujam Hooter from India

Hello Everyone, My name is Khumujam Hooter. I am from Manipur, North Eastern side of India. I am suffering from Prostatitis and calcification in Prostate. My symptoms started in the early 2007. I tried to find out what exactly my problem is by doing all kind of tests in best hospitals in India like Apollo Hospital Delhi, Max Hospital Delhi, AIIMS Delhi etc. Result was all normal. I was not satisfied with the result as I still have the symptoms and was not comfortable with my lower abdomen area and testicle area. Finally I was diagnosed with Prostatitis in the year 2009 when I repeated my test in Apollo Hospital Delhi. As my symptoms were not severe and not frequent so I ignore it after taking IV for 2 days at Apollo Hospital Delhi.

Luckily I got a chance to visit 3D Clinic in Xiangtan, Hunan Province, China as my elder brother has a chronic prostate problem. My elder brother decided to visit 3D Clinic to consult Dr.Song as he was diagnosed with BPH, Prostatitis and Calcification in Prostate. So we fly to China on 7th October, 2015 and started my elder brother treatment on 10th October, 2015. Mine was done by Dr.Ivan assistant to Dr.Song equally professional and skilled. I was given 25days of local injections directly to Prostate and simultaneously undergone IV treatment of 15days. I was surprise to know that the local injection which was given directly to Prostate by Dr.Ivan was not at all painful. Amazing skill. Wow. After 15days of local injection to be precise I could see with my naked eyes that many particles are coming out in my urine. Great. I was very happy. I feel really bless. I was so happy that I decided to accompany my elder brother and sister in law and decided to do the treatment for myself as well. Dr.Ivan has an amazing skill. All my mild symptoms which I used to feel is almost gone.

Now I am really very happy and I would appeal to everyone who has a Prostate problem should visit 3D Clinic, Xiangtan or Changsha and you will never regret your decision. I can assure you. By the way I was like a family member to Clinic and was not feeling to return home as I was emotionally attached to everyone as the environment was very good. Dr.Ivan and Dr.Song are very good, caring and friendly. Mrs. Belinda Fu also help me a lot before coming to China. Miss Jenny Chan who is a receptionist cum nurse in clinic help me a lot in everything including online shopping too ??? and lastly I would like to specially thank Miss. Alisa Wang who is a English translator. She help my family in every small small things to everything we require and also accompany us in exploring tourist places in China as we have communication gap with local people. We really enjoy the visit to China. It was like a vacation kind of trip. We almost forgot that we came for medical treatment.



Khumujam Hooter
Age: 36 years
Email: khumujamhooter@icloud.comkhumujamhooter@gmail.com

Dated: 21st December, 2015.