3D Precision Therapy
Successfully Treats Chronic

Natural Extract Formula

Mr. Lins from NZ

I am Lins and I have just finished a six week course of treatment with Dr. Song at the 3D Urology Clinic in Xangtan. I am a company director and have been self employed for most of my working like except for stints in a multi-national related to bioscience and contract work in the bio pharmaceutical field. I have been an active sports person and a keen traveller with a sense for intrepid adventures. As well as an avid fan of NZ backcountry activity I have made long haul trekking sojourns, in the Himalayan, Karakouram and Hindu Kush Mountain Ranges. I am in my early sixties

Around 2012 I noticed a significant change in my health. Motivation, drive and energy all seemed to “go out the window” and I struggled to make the work day go beyond mid- afternoon. I experienced significant sleep interruption ( what seemed like niggling bladder tension in addition to toilet trips) ,aching joints, back pain, lack of focus, and sometimes even a lack of purpose, coupled with a sense of doubt regarding my self worth. I never realized at the time the true effect my condition had on family, relationships and productivity. I had always been proud of my health and fitness but now it seemed I was on an unbelievable one-way slide to deterioration.

My GP pestered me to get a rectal exam and PSA test. With regular PSA readings ranging from 9-12, I opted for “watchful waiting” believing that I could figure out a way to self-medicate but later with increasingly persistent prostate discomfort especially on sitting and pressure pain on one side of the gland some decisions had to be made. Subsequent biopsy and MRI revealed a tumour that seemed to be very hard, and occupying a significant portion of the entire 45 cm3 plus gland. I was under pressure to set a date for surgical removal. By now the tumour was pushing up against the prostate capsule causing significant pressure pain and the PSA readings were moving up to 20.

Until now I had tried a number of oral herbals, various teas, super antioxidants, detoxification, other techniques, and even electo- magnet therapy( PEMT). I could reduce the PSA by 25%, the prostate volume by a little over approximately 15%. This would significantly relive discomfort and reduce nocturnal toilet trips to one early in the morning, but this relief seemed symptomatic only and somewhat temporary. (I was later to find out from Dr Song and Dr Ivan at the 3D Urology Clinic in China that the prostate surface softness is very critical. It seems some substances will reduce the prostate size but create a hardened tissue surface or hard wrinkles that greatly impair organ function.)

I was very determined to avoid surgical removal and further research lead my wife finding Dr Songs 3D Urology Clinic website.

The 3D CLINIC DR. SONG and his TEAM.

From the website I made contact with Alisa Wang the Clinic Administrator and Interpreter. Promptly she had the clinic review my clinical notes and sent back to me the required documentation to enable application for a visa. I would suggest a 90 day visa. Its timely to mention here that the reason I committed a visit to the 3D Clinic was that I had in the past a number of professional acquaintances who were specialists in pharmaceutical chemistry, pharmacognosy and biopharmaceutical manufacturing so I was aware of the significant documented benefits of co administration of east/west medical products in cancer treatment. In addition to this the 3D Clinic website described a methodology that seemed a fresh approach and entirely logical.

My arrangements, arrival, hotel bookings and pickup were all easily managed by Alisa. The whole process was very smooth. On arrival in Xiangtan and soon after checking into the Hotel that was opposite the Clinic building I accepted the offer to meet Dr Song and Dr Ivan that afternoon at the clinic. There was a thorough consultation and discussion of my prostate history with Dr Song, Dr Ivan and Alisa present. Communication was not a problem and I was surprised that whole atmosphere was very patient friendly. There was later a thorough DRE and prostate fluid collection to be examined by the in house lab. Before leaving that consultation I could view on the computer, microscope slide samples of specific pathogens that had infected my prostate.

Next extensive blood samples were taken at a nearby university hospital to quantitatively determine specific virus, mycoplasma, bacteria, parasites, and hormones in addition to ultrasonography on the prostate region. This is used by the clinic to individualize your treatment and more importantly allow Dr Song and his team to treat the real cause of your condition.

After 3 days of targeted injections via the perineum into each lobe of the prostate the pressure pain and discomfort was almost absent and by the end of the sixth day absent altogether. In short after 6 week of treatment of injections, intravenous drip and oral Chinese herbal medicine Dr Song and the Clinic were able to break up and discharge a very hard and large tumour that may have existed for over five years. My collected urine samples showed extensive discharged flocculation and sediment comprising of dead bacterial, tumour and fibrous material.

MRI scans had shown that the prostate size had returned to normal, prostate morphology was normalizing and a DRE also revealed that the once hard prostate was now soft and much smaller. I was delighted with a successful treatment and it all seemed unbelievable!

On reflection of this journey to treat my cancer I realized that Dr Song and his team have a very smart approach to“treat the cause of disease”and I sensed a strong desire from the clinic to produce a real solution for each patient. The 3D Urology Clinic I felt uses a unique treatment methodology that synergises with the natural structure and function of the body, coupled with extensive experience in diverse types of prostate disease, and a close understanding of the pharmacology of co administration of specific east/west medications. The treatment regime is such that precise individualization for each patient is possible.

The entire treatment process was always very professional yet relaxed. At no time did I feel any hint of arrogance and the staff would always attentively listen to you. As a result of the daily consultations I became very knowledgeable about prostate anatomy and my condition. Dr song and Dr Ivan were very forthcoming about all aspects of my condition and how to heal smoothly, including diet, help with local foods, exercises, and lifestyle changes all helping to accelerate healing and strengthen immunity. The treatment process was very much a partnership and I found keeping a daily diary of diet, urine, stool, prostate feeling, general feeling and energy level was essential to feedback to Dr Song to allow for precise and effective treatment.

I have to say I was very impressed with not only the personal skill of Dr Song and Dr Ivan but the entire clinic. Needle insertion for IV drip medication was the most comfortable I had ever experienced. The clinic is clean and comfortable and has a sense of a “family” atmosphere and you are welcomed to talk to other patents, drink nice teas, and plug into the Wifi.
At all times during my stay in Xiangtan I found the local people to be very polite, pround, happy and helpful and the local environment lends itself to easy living and good recovery for patients.

I feel I have been so lucky to experience quality, honest treatment that is sincerely delivered by a team that is not only positioned at the leading edge of prostate treatment but through dedication and effort pushing the boundary to further improve patient outcomes. I have to thank Dr. Song for his vision and the clinic team for their focused efforts.

The whole prostate journey that I have been through and perhaps others who experience Dr. Song and his 3D Urology Clinic I think is best summed up by the following proverb. “Vision without action is a day dream. Action without vision is a nightmare”.

November 2018 – Update

Feedback one and a half years after treatment

Currently I find that over all health is good, sleep most nights with one urination at 6:00am, some nights no urination. .Libdo is good, energy is good. ,There is no pressure pain or any groin feeling of “ blockage”, no back pain. In essence, I feel better than I have for over 5 years.

I had the last DRE 8th Nov 2017 “ Normal tone,smooth prostate felt which is non -tender” Currently through self examination, the gland is soft and small.