3D Precision Therapy
Successfully Treats Chronic

Natural Extract Formula

Mike (Ph.D.) from USA

Testimonial for the Best Prostate Clinic in the World

October, 2012, I just completed a 40 days of 3D Prostatitis Treatment on my minor prostate enlargement and calcification at The 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment Clinic in Changsha China. Dr. Song has fundamentally restored the health of my prostate. I am delighted and joyful. Without Dr. Song, the rest of my life could be in doubt. The following is my testimonial on The 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment Clinic:

1) Urology in U.S.A. vs. the Best in the World. Likely most people would assume urology in U.S.A. is superior to other countries. However, it is not true. My U.S.A. urologist, trained at Harvard with honorary letters posted on his wall and having many old and sick patients in his clinic, is supposedly one of the best in the world. However, essentially he did not know how to treat my problem and potentially could mess up my health. Although, he left the calcification alone or he suggested surgery if it became painful. For enlargement, he prescribed antibiotics and Flowmax taken orally for many weeks and asked me to go back to see him every two weeks. On the 3rd or 4th visit, he told my problem would be very hard to treat. I may need to take Flowmax for my whole life. He was preparing me for a long struggle. From the internet I knew it is useless for prostate to long courses medications for years. It could fundamentally damage up my health. Further, I did not have a urinary flow problem so Flowmax made no sense to me. Why did he ask me to take Flowmax for? I believe he practiced incompetent and careless medicine at the expenses of my health and for the money. Thus, I fired him and threw away his prescriptions.

Fortunately I found The 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment Clinic’s website and contacted his staff to inquire about my problem. To Dr. Song, it seemed to me, my prostate problem a piece of cake for him to solve. His 3D technology can even cure the patients with much more complicated prostatitis,enlarged prostate,and calcification. See other testimonials. Understandably, the more complicated the cases are the more time it takes for treatment. But this is no nonsense treatment.

I do not have any reservation to join these other patients from all over the world and rate The 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment Clinic as the best in the world. Based on my awareness, a high hygiene standard was maintained in his practice and throughout his clinic. Thus, I took his treatment easily. Dr. Song please keep it up! A lot of men need to your help. You have made a great contribution to human beings.

2) Results of 3D Prostate Treatment beyond my expectation:

a. The culprit of my whole problem, a bacterial germ, Staphylococcus aureus, in the prostate was first identified and evidently killed in the first three weeks of 3D Prostatitis Treatment.

b. Calcification being removed. As evidenced in my urine samples and by ultrasound examination. Initially, the ultrasound showed there were several condensed spots, but after a 40 day treatment, it was down to only 2 loose spots. Now after I am back in U.S.A., the de-calcification is still continuing. I hope the de-calcification can be complete. I’ll confirm it by ultrasound examination later.

c. Enlarged prostate shrinking in size: Based on the ultrasound, the clinic’s testing, and my own feeling, the size of my prostate has shrunk substantially and the prostate has became much softer. Once the inflammation and the calcification were gone and the tissue is recovered, the size returned close to normal range.

d. A potentially toxic and dangerous Coxsackie virus was found in my blood and evidently killed during Dr. Song’s treatment.

e. Dr. Song related to me that after the above 3D Prostate Treatment, the sleeping quality, energy level, sex life, infertility, and the general heath of his patients can substantially be improved. I have started to enjoy some of these benefits. It is an unexpected way to improve the quality of life.

f. Dr. Song suggested I take probiotic because of my previous use of oral antibiotics. It makes sense. It was not prescribed to me or not known to my U.S.A. urologist.

3) Reasons why I urgently went to China to treat my prostate even without serious symptoms:

a. I knew either inflammation and/or calcification are the warm beds for cancer to start.

b. Further, the above could become an acute symptom without warning which is extremely painful and dangerous, an emergency treatment being required, as happened to a senior legislator I knew in Taiwan during his trip to Moscow. Although he was not killed, he suffered extremely. A similar situation happened to me before. It was extremely awful!

4) Reference for fellow patients colleagues

a. In my opinion, any patient having the following problems should go to see Dr. Song as soon as possible. Don’t be fooled by other urologists, waste time taking oral orally antibiotics and/or Flowmax, and further damage your health. It could ruin your prostate, health, and your life.

b. Those suffering from prostatitis, enlarged prostate, and/or calcification, even without symptoms, should seek 3D Prostatitis Treatment as soon as possible.

c. Unsuccessfully or mistreatment by urologists, including those requiring to carry a urine bag all the time should seek 3D Prostate Treatment as soon as possible.

d. Those suffering from infertility or impotency should seek 3D Prostatitis Treatment as soon as possible.

e. Those suffering from any condition listed on 3D clinic’s website should seek 3D Prostate  Treatment as soon as possible.

My recommendation is based on my personal experience and my confirmation that Dr. Song is a true expert and his 3D Prostatitis  Treatment is superior.

Life is good!

I am glad I made a right choice; or I would be in a miserable state by now.

Mike (Ph.D.) USA

Investigator of fundamental health, longevity and cancers

November  2012 – Update

This is the conclusion of my 3D prostatitis, enlarged prostate,and calcification treatment at The 3D Prostate Targeted Treatment Clinic. On November 8, 2012, I had my final examination by another urologist at a prestigious university associated hospital in Taiwan. The urologist concluded my BHP and calcification were “insignificantly” different from the normal. Thus, my 40 day 3D Prostate Treatment was totally successful. My results are outlined below:

Prostatitis: gone

BHP: gone

Calcification: gone

Coxsackie virus in my blood stream: gone

Unexpected fringing benefits: 

 a. The cause of my early awakening problem: gone

 b. Daily energy level: substantially lifted

Dr. Song treats the causes of prostatitis,enlarged prostate, and calcification. This is why his treatment is so effective. However, the urologists in the USA or in most parts of the world are trained to just use drugs to treat symptoms. Actually, many just essentially sell drugs making the disease more complicated and untreatable, turning patients into their cash cows.

These potentially life threatening or troublesome problems were easily treated by The 3D Prostate Treatment. The 3D Prostate Treatment  did not just mask my symptoms like other treatments, it really cured me.

Mike (Ph.D.) USA

December 2013 – Update

In December, 2013, I went back to see my Harvard trained urologist, although I fired him about 2 or 3 years back, for a re-check up one year after your prostate 3-D treatment. The results below indicate your 3-D treatment is an effective, clean-cut and most satisfying medical treatment I ever had, Just by 80 shots, it 180-degree turns the fate of my urological system or even the quality of my life from potentially disaster into LG (“Life is good.”):

1. Stone or calcification: None or insignificant(*)

2. Prostatitis: None. (**)

3. BPH: None

4. PSA: 0.7 unit.

5. Digital examination: almost no feeling vs. painful before, indicating Softness vs. Hardness of prostate.

Before the checkup, he re-stated that calcification can only grow bigger and more serious and the prostatitis and BPH were very hard to be treated. But after the examination, he could only point out to me one tiny shining point as the indication of calcification. But it did not show up in the rest of four other repeated ultrasound pictures. I knew he did not like to eat crow and I let him free.

One of my friends was killed due to the disturbance of urination during the night of Sandy Storm disrupting all the available help, 2012, indicating it can kill.


Mike C, Ph.D.