3D Precision Therapy
Successfully Treats Chronic

Natural Extract Formula

3D Precision Therapy - How We Treat Your Chronic Rhinitis

Basic Knowledge About Chronic Rhinitis

What is rhinitis and what are the types of rhinitis

Rhinitis, also known as coryza, is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms are a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. The inflammation is caused by viruses, bacteria, irritants or allergens. The most common kind of rhinitis is allergic rhinitis,which is usually triggered by airborne allergens such as pollen and dander.
Rhinitis is categorized into three types :

  •  infectious rhinitis includes acute and chronic bacterial infections;
  •  nonallergic rhinitis includes vasomotor, idiopathic, hormonal, atrophic, occupational, and gustatory rhinitis, as well as rhinitis medicamentosa (drug-induced);
  •  allergic rhinitis, triggered by pollen, mold, animal dander, dust, Balsam of Peru, and other inhaled allergens.

What Causes Chronic Rhinitis?

Rhinitis is the medical term for inflammation of the inner lining of the nose. Chronic means that the nasal inflammation is long term, lasting for more than four consecutive weeks. This is different from acute rhinitis, which only lasts a few days or up to four weeks.

Most often, chronic rhinitis is caused by allergies (also known as hay fever), but there are several other causes unrelated to allergies, including:

  • pregnancy
  • medications
  • irritants in the air
  • smoking
  • other medical conditions like asthma or chronic sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses)

Allergic vs. Non-allergic Rhinitis

Chronic rhinitis is usually categorized into two main groups depending on the underlying cause:

  • Allergic rhinitis (hay fever) is caused by an allergic response to specific allergens, like pollen, dust, or pet dander. During an allergic response, your body’s immune system is overreacting to the presence of one of these allergens in the air.
  • Non-allergic rhinitis is any form of rhinitis that doesn’t involve your body’s immune system. It’s often triggered by environmental issues, like air pollution, tobacco smoke, or strong odors. In some cases, a cause cannot be identified.

Chronic non-allergic rhinitis isn’t as common as allergic rhinitis. Chronic non-allergic rhinitis represents about one-fourth of all rhinitis cases.

If you’re not sure what’s causing your symptoms, a doctor can perform an allergy test called an allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) antibody test to find out if your symptoms are likely caused by an allergy.

Causes of allergic rhinitis

In allergic rhinitis, allergens present in the air bind with a substance called immunoglobulin E (IgE) in the nose. Your body releases a chemical called histamine to help defend against the allergen. This histamine release results in allergic rhinitis symptoms.

Common allergens that can lead to chronic rhinitis include:

  • ragweed
  • pollen
  • mold
  • dust mites
  • pet dander
  • cockroach residue

Pollen can be especially challenging at certain times of the year. Tree and flower pollens are more common in the spring. Grasses and weeds are usually produced in the summer and fall.

Causes of non-allergic rhinitis

Unlike allergic rhinitis, non-allergic rhinitis doesn’t involve the immune system. Non-allergic rhinitis is thought to occur when the blood vessels inside the nose expand. This leads to swelling and congestion. It’s not known exactly why the blood vessels in the nose dilate, but the reaction may be triggered by:

  • irritants or air pollution in the environment such as: operfumes, odetergents, ostrong odors, osmog, otobacco smoke.
  • fluctuations in the weather such as cold or dry air
  • upper respiratory infections, like a cold or the flu (however, these infections typically result in acute rhinitis)
  • hot or spicy foods or drinks (gustatory rhinitis)
  • medications, including: oaspirin, oibuprofen, obeta-blockers, oantidepressants, ooral contraceptives
  • overuse of nasal decongestant sprays (rhinitis medicamentosa)
  • hormonal changes associated with pregnancy, menstruation, or thyroid conditions
  • stress
  • extensive sinus surgery
  • structural problems that affect the nasal passages. including a deviated septum, enlarged turbinates, and enlarged adenoids
  • other medical conditions, including gastrointestinal reflux (GERD), asthma, or chronic sinusitis

For some people, the specific cause of non-allergic rhinitis can’t be identified.

Symptoms of Chronic Rhinitis?

The main symptom of chronic rhinitis is nasal congestion. You may feel that you need to blow your nose all the time, but find that little mucus actually comes out. This is because their congestion isn’t caused by mucus buildup, but rather because the nasal passages are swollen.

Both allergic and non-allergic rhinitis share many of the same symptoms, but there are a few key differences.

oth allergic and non-allergic rhinitis share many of the same symptoms, but there are a few key differences.

Symptoms Allergic rhinitis Non-allergic rhinitis
Runny nose
Nasal congestion
Itchy eyes, nose, throat  
Post-nasal drip
Blueish discoloration under the lower eyelids (allergic shiners)  
Symptoms tend to be seasonal  
Symptoms tend to be year-round  

3D Inflammation Targeted Therapy Successfully Treat Various Chronic Rhinitis

Our proprietary 3D Inflammation Targeted Treatment is superior to all other treatments currently available for clearing various pathogens and inflammatory factors and toxic compounds deeply rooted in the nasal cavity, and for cureing chronic rhinitis with no side effects methods. 3D Inflammation Targeted Therapy treats the root factors of chronic rhinitis. Once cured, the patient’s disease will not easily relapse.

The medicines and methods for 3D Inflammation Targeted Therapy are the combination of anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts and a proprietary unblocking formula, and a combination of local treatment and systemic treatment. Local treatments include intranasal irrigation, and intranasal local injection, systemic Treatment includes oral anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts. Intranasal local injection needs to come to 3D medical clinic.

The powerful anti-inflammatory natural targeted extracts combined with a proprietary anti-blocking formula can destroy the pathogens and inflammatory factors, discharge toxic compounds, and successfully treats various chronic rhinitis. The natural targeted extracts have no side effects and no drug resistance.

3D Inflammation Targeted Therapy is suitable for various chronic rhinitis. We have a success rate of more than 95% for treating chronic inflammatory disease.

The course of treatment of natural targeted extracts for oral and intranasal irrigation is generally 3 months. The course of Intranasal local injection is generally 3 weeks.


Since Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has factorsd a global pandemic, foreign patients cannot come to 3D medical clinic. Currently we can only provide other treatments besides injection.

Other Treatments of Chronic Rhinitis

Treatments involve a combination of medications and lifestyle changes. In rare cases, surgery may be necessary to alleviate the symptoms of chronic rhinitis.


Medications known as antihistamines can help treat the underlying cause of allergic rhinitis.
There are several other over-the-counter (OTC) and prescription medications available to help relieve some of the inflammation in the nasal passages. These include:

  • OTC or prescription antihistamines work for allergies, and include oral medications and nasal sprays. These medications work best if they’re started before pollen enters the air each spring.
  • OTC saline nasal sprays
  • OTC decongestants. Don’t use these decongestants for longer than three days or it can cause a rebound effect, making your symptoms worse.
  • OTC or prescription corticosteroid nasal sprays
  • prescription anticholinergic nasal sprays
  • allergy shots or sublingual immunotherapy for allergies

Lifestyle changes

The best way to prevent and treat chronic rhinitis is to avoid the environmental allergen or trigger that is causing it. It’s not always possible to completely avoid an allergen or trigger, but you can minimize your exposure with the following tips:

  • Keep windows closed when pollen counts are high.
  • Wear a mask when mowing the lawn, doing garden work, or cleaning the house.
  • Purchase an air purifier.
  • Change your heating and air conditioning filters often.
  • Use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
  • Purchase dust-mite proof pillow and use a vacuum with a HEPA filter.
  • Wash your bedding weekly in hot water.
  • Bathe and groom pets frequently.
  • Take showers after being outside.
  • Avoid secondhand smoke.


Chronic rhinitis that is caused by structural problems with the nose and sinuses, like a deviated septum or persistent nasal polyps, may require surgical correction. Surgery is typically reserved as a last resort if several other treatment options don’t work.

Surgery to correct structural problems of the nose or sinuses is done by an ear-nose-throat (ENT) doctor, or otolaryngologist.

Home remedies

Nasal irrigation is one home remedy that may be useful for both allergic and non-allergic rhinitis.

Nasal irrigation, also called nasal lavage, involves using a saltwater solution to rinse the nasal passages. Nasal sprays are available pre-packaged in most drugstores, or you can try using a device called a neti pot.

If you choose to use a neti pot for nasal irrigation, be absolutely certain that you use water that is distilled, sterile, previously boiled and cooled, or filtered in order to prevent dangerous infections.